If you’re concerned about someone with an eating disorder, you’ve come to the right place! You need to get the right help and here’s why:   canstockphoto31937155

Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and binge eating are biologically-based disorders that can have deadly consequences. No one ever goes on a diet or tries to get healthier with the intention of developing an eating disorder. But, that’s how they start.

We are overwhelmed with messages about dieting and weight loss every day. Many people have come to believe that dieting is ‘healthy’ because it’s so normal in our culture. Young kids are just as influenced by these messages as are adolescents and adults from 18 to 85. Male or female, no one is immune from the continual drumbeat that thinner is always better.

When anyone with the genetic risk for developing an eating disorder sets out to lose weight, eat ‘healthier,’ or get in shape, what starts out as a ‘normal’ thing can quickly turn into a devastating disorder. Other ‘normal’ things like losing weight during a medical illness or a sport’s training program can also set an eating disorder in motion for someone at risk.

Eating disorders are not a phase, just like cancer is not a phase. Without expert treatment, biologically-based illnesses of any kind get worse. You wouldn’t have your dentist treat your brain cancer, right? Well, don’t let a therapist who isn’t a certified specialist try to treat a complex, progressive and potentially lethal eating disorder.

The genetic basis of an eating disorder makes recovery a complicated process. Well-meaning but untrained therapists unknowingly contribute to chronicity and that has a terrible impact on a patient’s quality of life – physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually, academically, professionally, and so on… It also costs more over time.

Anyone with an eating disorder deserves competent and evidence-based treatment by a clinician who is experienced and respected as an expert in the field. I believe that full recovery is possible regardless of how bad things are or how long someone has had an eating disorder.

I can, without question, provide the skilled treatment that is critically necessary for anorexia, bulimia and/or binge eating. Call or email me today and let’s get started on recovery now – we’ll do it together.

Take this Eating Disorder Quiz 

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