Can You Still Be Healthy if You’re Overweight?
We are frequently reminded that Americans are getting fatter and fatter. How many times have you seen television footage of headless people walking down the street with the camera focused on the abdomens, thighs and buttocks of very overweight people? A former surgeon general of the United States believed obesity [...]
Getting the Right Help for Eating Disorders
If you’re concerned about someone with an eating disorder, you’ve come to the right place! You need to get the right help and here’s why: Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and binge eating are biologically-based disorders that can have deadly consequences. No one ever goes on a diet or [...]
Inventory of Stress Symptoms
What is stress? Stress is the mental and/or physical tension or strain the body experiences in response to events happening in a person's life. Stress affects our internal organs, like the heart and stomach, and impedes our mental state, emotional reactions, relationships and spirituality. Medical problems, such as heart disease, [...]
When To Suspect An Eating Disorder
When To Suspect An Eating Disorder No one ever sets a goal to develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders are typically the result of attempts to be “healthy” that have gone awry. There is also no clear cut delineation between trying to be healthy and the onset of an eating [...]
New Year’s Resolutions to Live By
The new year is almost upon us and, of course, we are being inundated with commercials for diet and weight loss products. ‘Start this program’ or ‘take this pill’ are old and uninspiring messages from companies that survive off of the failure of their products – there is something really [...]
Binge Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) was recognized as a diagnosable eating disorder in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the guide to all psychiatric diagnoses, published in May 2013. Prior to this, BED was frequently referred to as ‘compulsive overeating’ or ‘emotional overeating’ and was not recognized [...]
Rescuing the Brain: A Critical Part of Recovery
Recovering from an eating disorder is a complicated endeavor because of the interplay between genetic predisposition, symptom severity, environmental/lifestyle factors and often, the patient’s ambivalence about changing behaviors they both ‘want’ and hate. I have attended several presentations by Ovidio Bermudez, MD, the Medical Director of Child and Adolescent Services [...]
“Relax – I Don’t Have Time To Relax!”
“Look, I own a business. I work 65 to 80 hours a week and I’m barely making it. I race around constantly just to keep the customers I have.” “No, I don’t really have a social life anymore. I have one friend and he’s a great guy, but he’s not [...]
Low Cholesterol May Affect Your Mood
The link between high cholesterol and heart disease has been well established. The cholesterol problem we hear about most often is high cholesterol and most people are working on lowering cholesterol levels with medication, exercise and healthy eating. But did you know that if cholesterol levels get too low, depression [...]
I Hate Exercise
“I hate exercise.“ This was the first thing a 78 year old woman said to me at our initial appointment when I was reviewing the reasons her cardiologist referred her to me. The doctor wanted her to increase her activity level and lose weight. The woman had some, but not [...]
How Do Psychologists Treat Heart Disease?
Behavioral medicine is a specialty area within the profession of psychology that focuses on treating patients with medical conditions. Many medical problems, including digestive disorders, chronic pain, asthma, diabetes, obesity and heart disease, are often linked with behavioral and psychological factors that affect the onset, course and recovery of these [...]
The Link Between Depression and Heart Disease
There is substantial research evidence showing a strong connection between depression and heart disease. The notion that depression is typical in patients with heart disease, nothing to worry about and will go away on its own is inaccurate and dangerous. Many patients already have heart disease and depression and there [...]
Heart Attack or Anxiety Attack: Common Symptoms Can Cause Distress
Anxiety is an emotional reaction that occurs in response to a threat or to fear. Anxiety commonly results in feelings of nervousness, apprehension, restlessness and internal shakiness (the “butterflies”). Anxiety can cause worrying, poor concentration, tension, difficulty making decisions and sleep problems. Physical signs of anxiety include an uneasy stomach, [...]
Foods For Healthy Living
The following foods have been found to be health-promoting. This is not an exhaustive list, nor are these the only foods you should eat. It is important to maintain balanced eating that includes the three main nutrients we require everyday -- carbohydrate, protein and fat. This list is meant to [...]
Emotional Factors Affecting Heart Disease in Women
It has always been thought that heart disease is a man’s problem, but it kills a half million women every year and the number is growing. Heart disease kills more women than men and women are more likely to have a second heart attack within a year of their first [...]
Depression Risk Assessment
Children, adolescents and adults can get depression. Depression can be triggered by an event or by chronic stress. It can also come on out of the blue and be the result of genetic or biological factors that the person cannot control. Do you feel [...]
Depression – Is It Really Just All In My Head?
There have been several controversies in the media lately about depression that have focused on the “ability” to overcome it. Some believe there is no need for psychiatric treatment and that with enough motivation, faith or incentive depression can be beaten. Others support the need for treatment, including psychotherapy and/or [...]
Anxiety Quiz
Children, adolescents and adults can experience anxiety. Anxiety can be triggered by an event or by chronic stress. It can also happen without explanation and be the result of genetic or biological factors that the person has no ability to prevent. Do you spend a [...]
Eating Disorder Quiz
Could you or someone you know have an eating disorder? Take this quiz and find out: Click here for downloadable Risk Assessment Have you developed fears or beliefs about food you never had before? Do you think losing weight would make your life better? Are other people concerned about your [...]
Basic Nutrition
Regardless of what kind of eating disorder a person may have, treatment should include education on basic nutrition and meal planning. Working with a registered dietician who understands eating disorders is an essential part of recovery. Most people with eating disorders are more than aware of the calorie and fat [...]
Does Weight Loss Always Result in Improved Heart Health?
We always hear that weight loss is necessary for the prevention and treatment of heart disease and diabetes. But is this widely accepted belief really accurate? While carrying around an excess of weight does not cause, but can contribute to heart disease and diabetes, weight loss as the standard treatment [...]
Internet Sites for Information on Senior Health Issues
Several websites that provide medical information specifically for older adults are now available. These resources can be used to help you learn more about the medical issues you may be experiencing. Understanding your diagnoses, treatments and expected outcomes of treatment is especially important for your health. Many people don’t follow [...]